Don’t miss out on these cohort-style learning opportunities on high-impact topics that will enable you to learn from both experts in inclusive and equitable education and fellow practitioners.

Event Category/Strand:
Seat-Free (SF)
Suggested Audience:
Special populations leads
Special Education and MLL/ELL Leadershp Cohorts for Special Populations
Meet Monthly
Facilitators: Angelica Maddox, Ellie Grose, Melissa Katz, and Rene Minnocci
Join our special education or MLL/ELL leadership cohorts for monthly opportunities to network with peers, develop leadership and advocacy skills, engage in shared problem solving and resource sharing, and more!
Event Category/Strand:
Suggested Audience:
Special populations leads

Event Category/Strand:
School Team Learning Cohort (STLC)
Suggested Audience:
MLL/ELL teachers, coaches, school leaders
Translanguaging in Education PLC
School Teams meet November 12 and 19, December 10 and 17
Facilitator: Avery Lussier
In this four-part series, school teams will engage in learning and reflection on what translanguaging is, how it supports both home and English language development , and ways to intentionally incorporate this practice to support our multilingual students, in particular our newcomers. Participants will engage in translanguaging with their students in between each session to inform the cohort’s collective work, as well as individual participant’s scaling of practices.
Event Category/Strand:
School Team Learning Cohort (STLC)
Suggested Audience:
MLL/ELL teachers, coaches, school leaders

Event Category/Strand:
Title III
Suggested Audience:
MLL/ELL leads, school leaders
MLL/ELL Leadership Empowerment Cohort (Title III)
Fall Office Hours are held on October 18 and DECEMBER 6
In this Title III-eligible initiative, schools’ designated leads gain access to high quality MLL/ELL PD throughout the semester, with additional acces to exclusive quarterly cohort office hours and 1:1 check-ins. Note that Collaborative members receive a discount on this cohort based on membership level.
Event Category/Strand:
Title III
Suggested Audience:
MLL/ELL leads, school leaders

Event Category/Strand:
School Team Learning Cohort
Suggested Audience:
School leaders, counselors, social workers, deans, special populations leads
Mental Health & SEL Cohort
March 18, April 3 & 15, 2024
Facilitators: Micere Keels
In this three-part series, school teams will engage in learning and reflection on what trauma is, how it manifests, and ways to intentionally create proactive schoolwide supports and systems to create safe spaces for our students and staff to thrive for this school year and next.
Event Category/Strand:
School Team Learning Cohort
Suggested Audience:
School leaders, counselors, social workers, deans, special populations leads
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