All charter schools are mandated to administer the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) annually to their MLL/ELL students. In this IN-PERSON training, participants will learn the ins and outs of administering the NYSESLAT Writing subtest. Participants will have the opportunity to norm on scoring the Grades K-12 Writing portions of the NYSESLAT using the state-published rubrics.
By attending this session, attendees will leave with…
- An understanding of the legal mandates and logistics associated with administering the NYSESLAT Writing subtest
- An understanding of the NYSESLAT K-12th Grade Writing rubrics and how to use it to score student responses on the NYSESLAT
- The beginnings of a network of fellow MLL/ELL educators across NYC charter schools
*Note: The last 75 minutes of the training will focus exclusively on the Kindergarten and 1st grade Writing subtests. Participants who will not be scoring Kindergarten and/or 1st Grade Writing subtests can plan to leave at 11:45.
Facilitator: Rene Minnocci