This interactive two-part series* will explore inclusive and collaborative practices for supporting multilingual learners. Participants will examine high-leverage strategies across the instructional cycle—planning, teaching, assessing, and reflecting—with a focus on tools and protocols that integrate content and language while addressing the complex academic, linguistic, and social-emotional needs of multilingual learners. Using authentic vignettes, video case studies, and insights from the coauthored book “Collaboration for Multilingual Learners With Exceptionalities: We Share the Students” (provided to all attendees who register by Thursday, 3/13), participants will gain actionable strategies to enhance their practice.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Identify key features of an asset-based, collaborative approach for multilingual learners
- Apply collaborative planning tools and protocols to their own contexts
- Evaluate instructional and assessment practices for their impact on student learning
Facilitator: Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld
*Note: Collaborative members will use ONE National Speaker Series (NSS) seat to attend this two-part series.