Is your co-teaching stuck in a rut? Are you relying on your “go-to” model a little too often? Come join us for a day of learning to break out of that pattern!
In the morning session, we’ll walk you through the ‘how’ of implementing over 20 innovative, practical, and clearly defined co-teaching models that will help you lower the student-teacher ratio in your co-taught classroom. Participants will also walk away with concrete tools to help collaborate effectively with their co-teacher as they begin to experiment with different student groupings.
The afternoon session is designed for coaches who engaged in the morning session and seek more ideas and tools for turnkeying lessons learned. Participants will further explore (and take home a copy of) Susan Fitzell’s “Best Practices in Co-Teaching and Collaboration“. We will explore different ways to introduce new, high-leverage co-teaching models to co-teachers, consider how to frame differentiation specifically within an ICT setting, and reflect on ways to build off of existing systems to increase accountability for truly leveraging “the power of two.”
Note: Co-teachers are strongly encouraged to attend together. Coaches who are attending are strongly encouraged to attend for the turnkey afternoon session.
Facilitators: Ellie Grose & Angelica Maddox